I Guess I Should Keep Blogging?

So, I took an extended vacation from blogging, I started a YouTube channel, took a semester of classes, and my boyfriend took off to Japan.  So, that’s basically where I’m at and I really have no excuse other than the fact that I really didn’t think anyone was reading this.  I have gotten a few positive comments lately so I will probably do some posting.  I enjoy  creating content and I have a new camera that I want to take pictures with and this seems like a good way to screw around with both of those things.  How about a review of Simplicity 8123?  Its a Mimi G dress that I just made, I can do an in depth review that goes along with the video I made of it.  I will post a link to that video so you can have a look for now…

One thought on “I Guess I Should Keep Blogging?

  1. Please keep blogging. I prefer reading to watching youtubes. Dont judge the size of your readership by the number of comments. Many people read and enjoy your writing without leaving a comment.


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